A little about me

In 2015 I had a medical emergency
after getting the TDaP vaccine. I know, this is a topic some people are uncomfortable with the second they hear it. But more and more people are correlating their health issues to medications, food, stress and environment. So here I am sharing this story with you and I believe you found this page for a reason. I was healthy one day, then suddenly I wasn’t. But was it really so suddenly? It seemed that way and my medical rollercoaster looked that way too. For almost two years my symptoms got worse and I went from doctor to doctor trying to get answers. I was diagnosed with Supra-ventricular tachycardia, vertigo, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction (ILO) All within the first year of getting the TDaP. So I pointed to this and blamed the vaccine. After a frustrating two years, lots of testing and prescriptions, and money, I was not healing or feeling better. I was extremely irritated and I remember feeling so hopeless and I was convinced I was dying. My entire body ached, I had zero energy, I battled so much with vertigo. I had been hospitalized three times, and my quality of life was not good.

I felt like I had tried everything, and nothing was working.

A Healthier me
and a better future for my family
After my health crisis in 2014 & 2015, I did not truly understand exactly what was making me so sick. Why was I tired? Why did my body ache? Is this just apart of getting older? The short answer for me, NO. When I started to pay attention to what I was eating and what was in my home it was overwhelming. My toothpaste was filled with ingredients that I had never heard of to start with. The one ingredient I knew was fluoride and I had heard it was a controversial topic. So I started there. It did not take more than a few minutes to find plenty of data supporting this ingredient being a neruotoxin and unsafe to consume. Out youngest child always had a few dry spots around her mouth and nose. We had taken her to the dermatologist several times and been given creams that had a long list of side effects so we did not use them. After reading about fluoride, I wondered if this was the issue. So I bought a fluoride free toothpaste. No one in the family liked it. lol. So we tried another, and another. I even bought homemade ones. Then I found David's. Everyone liked it. So David's became our household toothpaste. After about a 3-4 weeks we noticed our daughters dry patches cleared up. They were gone. Coincidence? Nope. We were traveling and I forgot the toothpaste. I grabbed crest at the hotel and her dry spots (burning) came back full force. I knew right then, it was the fluoride.
So my first toxic product replacement was fluoride. What was next? The laundry detergent. We spend our lives in bed and in our clothes. I never realized that dry and itchy skin is not normal at all. Not in the slightest. SO I began looking for alternatives to Tide and Gain detergents. Then came Shampoo, conditioner, and soaps. As I tried and tested everything so did my family. The more we replaced the better we all felt! Once you really feel good it becomes easier to look at every label.
I started thinking about how I spent years not knowing. How I just assumed everything at Target and my grocery store was safe. When I thought of the layers and layers of chemicals we were consuming I couldn't believe it. That was when I decided I would talk about it and I would reach out to all the small business companies who were making the great products we used. I wanted to share these products with YOU.
So my other website was created and I started writing on Substack. I began carrying these products on smilesciences.com and my customers started buying the products and the feedback was great! I was more than happy to share what I had learned with everyone. In fact I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. You can heal! I started talking about it on my instagram and Substack.
You can follow my Instagram here https://instagram.com/smilesciences
You can find my writing here https://deannamgardner.substack.com/
You can find my healthy products here https://smilesciences.com/
You can find all my links to stuff I love here
If you ever want to chat or have any questions you can email me at deanna@smilesciences.com I hope to inspire people to change their lives for the better and really look at what the are using on a daily basis.